Automatically mounting an EBS volume using Ansible

When creating new EC2 instances that require persistent EBS volumes there's a number of steps that have to be carried out before the disk can be used. This post shows how to automate them.

Definitions of the tasks presented below are also in Please note that not all tasks from the repo are shown below.


The tasks have to be executed on an EC2 instance. This setup works for both legacy and the Nitro hypervisors. These steps work on Ubuntu.

Ansible must be able to use the ec2_ modules, which means that the following python libraries must be installed on the EC2 instance (as per

  • boto
  • boto3
  • botocore


Getting metadata

First we have to identify the instance. The easiest way of doing that is to call ec2_metadata_facts and ec2_instance_info:

- name: get EC2 facts
- name: get ec2 instance facts
    region: "{{ aws_region }}"
    instance_ids: "{{ inststance_id_raw.content }}"
  register: ec2_facts

The key value here is hiding in ec2_instance_type - knowing this lets us determine if the instance uses the legacy hypervisor or the Nitro one. They main difference between them (for the sake of managing volumes) is the name of the block device. Legacy hypervisor uses sda, sdb etc, whilst the Nitro one uses nvme0n1, nvme1n1 etc. This is important when we try to mount the volume.

For now, let's just determine the type:

- name: determine if we are on a nitro hypervisor
    use_nitro: "{{ ansible_ec2_instance_type.startswith('t3') or ansible_ec2_instance_type.startswith('t4') or ansible_ec2_instance_type.startswith('c5') or ansible_ec2_instance_type.startswith('m5') or ansible_ec2_instance_type.startswith('r5') }}"

It's possible that by the time you read this post some other instance types are available and they also use the Nitro hypervisor.

The next step is to get the list of the volumes attached to the instance. One of the ways is to directly call the metadata service, we're also getting the tags here:

- name: get list of attached volumes INSTANCE=$(curl -q; REGION=$(curl -q; /usr/local/bin/aws ec2 describe-volumes --region ${REGION%?} --filters "Name=attachment.instance-id,Values=$INSTANCE"
  register: volume_list

- name: get the tags for volumes REGION=$(curl -q; /usr/local/bin/aws ec2 describe-tags --region ${REGION%?} --filters "Name=resource-id,Values={{ (ec2_volumes | dict2items ) | community.general.json_query('[*].key') | join(',')}}" "Name=key,Values=Name"
  register: tag_list
  when: ec2_volumes

(changed_when: false ensures this step doesn't report any unnecessary changes)

In the last step - we loop through all the attached devices and execute a set of tasks for each of them. Since Ansible doesn't allow for block inside the loop - include_tasks from another file is the only option. The included tasks get executed for all volumes except the boot one:

- name: loop through the volumes
  ansible.builtin.include_tasks: "volume.yaml"
  loop: "{{ ec2_volumes | dict2items }}"
    loop_var: volume
    label: "{{ volume.key }}"
  when: ec2_volumes is defined and ec2_volumes

Preparing the volume

Tasks described here can be found in a separate file - volume.yaml.

Once we have the tags we can create a mount point:

- name: create mountpoint
    path: "/{{ ec2_volumes[volume.key].Name }}"
    state: "directory"
  when: ec2_volumes[volume.key].Name != "swap"    

Next steps are to  partition and format the drive - and this is where Ansible's idempotence comes really handy, since if the volume already has the partition setup as required - nothing gets changed or formatted (if you try to run this over a volume with a different partition setup the steps will fail):

- name: create the partition (nitro hypervisor)
    device: "{{ nvme_map[volume.key] }}"
    number: 1
    label: "gpt"
    part_start: "0%"
    part_end: "100%"
    name: "data"
    state: "present"
  when: use_nitro

- name: format to xfs (nitro hypervisor)
    dev: "{{ nvme_map[volume.key] }}p1"
    fstype: "{{ ec2_volumes[volume.key].Fs_type | default('xfs') }}"
  when: use_nitro and ec2_volumes[volume.key].Name != "swap"

Now we have to rediscover the 'facts', since we need the partition UUID to mount it:

- name: refresh metadata
  ansible.builtin.setup: {}

Finally, we can mount the volume:

- name: mount the partition (nitro hypervisor)
    path: "/{{ ec2_volumes[volume.key].Name }}"
    src: "UUID={{ ansible_devices[nvme_map[volume.key].split('/')[2]]['partitions'][nvme_map[volume.key].split('/')[2] + 'p1']['uuid'] }}"
    fstype: xfs
    state: "mounted"
  when: use_nitro and ec2_volumes[volume.key].Name != "swap"

At this stage the volume is already mounted and saved in /etc/fstab.

This setup also works for more than one volume. The role in the github repo can also create and attach swap partitions.